How Pakistan IXP is Boosting the Local Internet Ecosystem in Pakistan

Pakistan Internet Exchange Point (Pakistan IXP) is a vital element of the internet infrastructure in Pakistan that enables networks to exchange traffic with each other. Pakistan IXP was inaugurated in 2017 by the Minister for IT & Telecom, Ms. Anusha Rahman, with the aim of providing local infrastructure for fast accessibility of websites hosted on local ISPs, improving quality of service, and lowering down the bandwidth cost for the end users of the internet.

Pakistan IXP has been hosted at an independent and neutral location of Pakistan Educational Network (PERN) of Higher Education Commission (HEC), to give equal opportunity for all participating ISPs and mobile phone operators. Pakistan IXP has three nodes in Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore, and has 18 members, including PTCL, Nayatel, StormFiber, Wateen, Zong, Jazz, and Telenor.

Pakistan IXP has brought many benefits for the internet ecosystem in Pakistan, such as:

•          Reducing the latency and improving the performance of the local internet traffic, by keeping it within the country instead of routing it through international links.

•          Saving the foreign exchange and reducing the operational costs of the ISPs and mobile operators, by avoiding the expensive international bandwidth and transit fees.

•          Enhancing the security and resilience of the local internet traffic, by minimizing the exposure to external threats and disruptions.

•          Supporting the development and growth of the local content and services, by providing a platform for collaboration and innovation among the local internet stakeholders.

Pakistan IXP is a member of the Internet Exchange Federation (IX-F) and the African Internet Exchange System (AXIS) project, which aim to promote the establishment and development of IXPs in the region and globally.

Pakistan IXP is also working to expand its network and services, by adding more nodes, members, and features, such as peering, caching, and DNS services. Pakistan IXP is committed to contribute to the goal of a connected and inclusive Pakistan, by providing internet access to every corner of the country.

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