A Cheatsheet for nature.com OpenSearch



nature.com OpenSearch is a structured search service that allows you to find and access content hosted on nature.com, such as news and research articles and citations. You can use various parameters to refine your search, such as keywords, authors, dates, and journals. You can also use different formats to retrieve your results, such as JSON, RSS, and Atom1. nature.com OpenSearch is based on the OpenSearch standard, which is a collection of technologies that enable the sharing of search results across different applications.

To use nature.com OpenSearch, you need to construct a query URL with the base URL http://www.nature.com/opensearch/request and append the parameters you want to use. For example, if you want to search for articles about quantum computing published in Nature Physics in 2022, you can use the following query URL:


This will return a JSON response with the matching articles and their metadata. You can also use other formats such as RSS or Atom, or use other parameters such as count, start, sort, author, etc. For a full list of parameters and their descriptions, you can refer to the nature.com OpenSearch documentation.

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Some of the benefits of using nature.com OpenSearch are:

  • You can access a large and diverse collection of scientific content from nature.com, covering various disciplines and topics.
  • You can customize your search according to your needs and preferences, using different parameters and formats.
  • You can integrate nature.com OpenSearch with other applications that support the OpenSearch standard, such as web browsers, RSS readers, or custom clients.
  • You can benefit from the open source and community-driven nature of OpenSearch, which ensures the quality and transparency of the service.

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The CrossRef cheatsheet can be downloaded from our nature.com OpenSearch test page and is available in two forms:

Source: Blog on Crossref Cheatsheet nature.com OpenSearch the evolution of a journal relationships with preprints preprint–journal important component of the research nexus Crossref

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About Abu Hamza

Abu Hamza is member of Business Bee Staff

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