How to Understand and Classify a Problem for Effective Problem Solving

problem solving

Problem solving is a skill that is essential for success in any field or domain. Problem solving involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving a problem or a challenge that you face. However, before you can solve a problem, you need to understand and classify it. Understanding and classifying a problem is the first step in problem solving, and it can make a huge difference in the quality and efficiency of your solution.

What is a Problem? : A Guide for Students

problem is not a situation that makes you unhappy, frustrated, or disappointed. A problem is not a weakness, a flaw, or a failure. A problem is not something that you have to avoid, ignore, or deny.

A problem is a question that you need to answer, a decision that you need to make, or a goal that you need to achieve. A problem is something that challenges your current knowledge, skills, or resources. A problem is something that requires your creativity, logic, or action.