Why is internet slow in Pakistan? What can ISPs do?

Many people in Pakistan complain about the slow internet speed, especially when they want to stream or download high-resolution videos, such as 4K. They often blame the lack of infrastructure or capacity for the poor performance of the internet.

How to Understand and Classify a Problem for Effective Problem Solving

problem solving

Problem solving is a skill that is essential for success in any field or domain. Problem solving involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving a problem or a challenge that you face. However, before you can solve a problem, you need to understand and classify it. Understanding and classifying a problem is the first step in problem solving, and it can make a huge difference in the quality and efficiency of your solution.

What is a Problem? : A Guide for Students

problem is not a situation that makes you unhappy, frustrated, or disappointed. A problem is not a weakness, a flaw, or a failure. A problem is not something that you have to avoid, ignore, or deny.

A problem is a question that you need to answer, a decision that you need to make, or a goal that you need to achieve. A problem is something that challenges your current knowledge, skills, or resources. A problem is something that requires your creativity, logic, or action.

Practical Strategies for Making Your Energy Bills More Affordable

Explore practical strategies to make your energy bills more affordable. Understand your energy bill, learn about energy tariffs and time-of-use plans, discover the benefits of energy efficiency, and find out about government programs and subsidies.