The Future of Datacenters: AI, Startups, and Hyperscale Campuses

Delve into the future of datacenters, driven by AI demands and new startups. Discover how hyperscale campuses and novel energy sources are shaping the industry.

Exploring UltiHash: Innovations in Byte-Level Data Deduplication and Its Competitive Edge

UltiHash, a company in the data infrastructure and deduplication technology space, does face competition from companies like Siapp, Eonia Labs, and Leap. These companies offer various solutions in the field of data infrastructure, which could be seen as alternatives to UltiHash’s technology. The competitive landscape in this field is dynamic and can change rapidly with technological advancements and market trends.

IBM Deep Blue to Google AlphaZero, a brief history of Chess AI

Deep Blue was a supercomputer developed by IBM specifically for playing chess. It was the first computer to defeat a reigning world champion, Grandmaster Garry Kasparov, in a six-game match in 1997. This was a historic achievement for artificial intelligence (AI) and chess programming, as it demonstrated the ability of a machine to outsmart a human in a complex and strategic game.

Datacenter Infrastructure Report Card, Q3 2023

It is hard to keep a model of datacenter infrastructure spending in your head at the same time you want to look at trends in cloud and on-premises spending as well as keep score among the key IT suppliers to figure out who is winning and who is losing. And so we have built

Technology News, Trends – December 2023

Technology New, Trends- December 2023: Read the latest technology news and trends from December 2023. Find out what happened in the tech world, from AI to VR, from startups to giants, from gadgets to software.

IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip

The company announces its latest huge chip — but will now focus on developing smaller chips with a fresh approach to ‘error correction’. Explore IBM’s quantum breakthrough with Condor, a 1,121-qubit computer. Dive into the strategic shift towards error-resistance, the significance of Heron’s low error rate, and the quest for efficient error correction using qLDPC. Uncover IBM’s roadmap for practical quantum computations by the decade’s end.