Technology News and Trends: AI, Storage, Supercomputing and The Vast Potential

Technology News and Trends: AI, Storage, Supercomputing and The Vast Potential, Diving Deep into the AI Value Chain, Open Source baby for Super Computing, Compare block vs. file vs. object storage

Datacenter Infrastructure Report Card, Q3 2023

It is hard to keep a model of datacenter infrastructure spending in your head at the same time you want to look at trends in cloud and on-premises spending as well as keep score among the key IT suppliers to figure out who is winning and who is losing. And so we have built

Tachyum 8 AI Zettaflops Blueprint to Solve OpenAI Capacity Limitation

Tachyum®, creator of Prodigy®, the world’s first Universal Processor, today released a white paper that presents how Tachyum’s customers planning to build a new HPC/AI supercomputer data centers far exceeding not only the performance of existing supercomputers but also the target performance for next-generation systems. solve OpenAI Capacity Limitation.

A Cheatsheet for OpenSearch

A Cheatsheet for nature com OpenSearch: the evolution of a journal article can be traced by the relationships it has with its preprints. Those preprint–journal article relationships are an important component of the research nexus. Some of those relationships are provided by Crossref members (including publishers, universities, research groups, funders, etc.) when they deposit metadata with Crossref

Technology News, Trends – December 2023

Technology New, Trends- December 2023: Read the latest technology news and trends from December 2023. Find out what happened in the tech world, from AI to VR, from startups to giants, from gadgets to software.

Storage News Ticker Dec 2023, Opportunities in 2024

Data protection supplier Acronis has been highlighted in Frost & Sullivan’s Frost Radar report for Endpoint Security as one of the top companies in the space. The report highlights the innovation and growth potential of Acronis, and why it should be strongly considered by organizations looking to invest in or augment the protection of their […]

2024 IT management trends It’s generative AI and everything else

Commissioned: As the curtain falls on 2023, IT organizations are looking toward the new year with a mix of renewed enthusiasm and cautious optimism. The enthusiasm stems from the arrival of generative AI services a year ago. Generative AI (GenAI) has emerged as perhaps the biggest productivity booster for knowledge work since the proliferation of […]